Monday, August 24, 2020

Higher education in the USA Essay Example for Free

Advanced education in the USA Essay Faktorami, opredelyayuschimi yavlyaetsya li uchrezhdenie odnim iz luchshih, ili odnim iz menee prestizhnyh, yavlyayutsya: kachestvo obucheniya fakultetov, kachestvo oborudovaniya dlya issledovanij, uroven finansirovaniya bibliotek, specialnyh programm, I t. d. , a takzhe kompetentnost I chislo pretendentov na priem, to est naskolko dannoe uchrezhdenie svobodno v vybore studentov. Vse 'eti faktory dopolnyayut tranquilize druga. Voobsche v Soedinennyh SHtatah priznano, chto est bolee I menee predpochtitelnye uchrezhdeniya dlya obucheniya I polucheniya vysshego obrazovaniya. Bolee predpochtitelnye uchrezhdeniya obychno, no ne vsegda, yavlyayutsya bolee dorogostoyaschimi, I okonchanie odnogo iz nih mozhet prinesti znachitelnye preimuschestva, poskolku kazhdyj chelovek ischet vozmozhnost zanyatosti I socialnuyu podvizhnost v predelah obschestva. Konkurs na postuplenie v takoj kolledzh pobuzhdaet milliony starsheklassnikov sdavat SAT kazhdyj god. No nedavno akcent na vstupitelnyh 'ekzamenah shiroko kritikovalsya v Soedinennyh SHtatah, potomu chto 'ekzameny pozvolyayut opredelit kompetentnost v matematike I anglijskom yazyke. V zaschituispolzovaniya  'ekzamenov kak kriteriev pri postuplenii, rukovoditeli mnogih universitetov govoryat, chto ispolzovanie SAT pozvolyaet spravedlivo reshit, kogo prinyat, kogda imeetsya 10 ili 12 pretendentov na odno mesto. Mogut li kolledzhi I universitety Ameriki osnovyvatsya na ih rezultatah? Priblizitelno 12 millionov studentov v nastoyaschee vremya poseschayut shkoly vysshego obrazovaniya v Amerike. Oni studenty v obschestve, kotoroe verit v svyaz mezhdu obrazovaniem I demokratiej. Odnako, mnozhestvo amerikancev ne udovletvoreny sostoyaniem vysshego obrazovaniya v ih strane. Vozmozhno, naibolee shiroko rasprostranennoe nedovolstvo vyzyvaet uchebnyj plan kolledzha v celom I shirokij diapazon dopolnitelnyh zanyatij v chastnosti. V seredine 80-yh godov proshlogo veka Associaciya Amerikanskih Kolledzhej (AAC) vypustila doklad, v kotorom prizyvala k prepodavaniyu bazovoj chasti obschih znanij vsem studentam kolledzha. Nacionalnyj Institut Obrazovaniya (NIE) vypustil podobnyj zhe doklad-Uchastie v obuchenii. V svoem doklade NIE zaklyuchil, chto uchebnyj plan kolledzha stal chrezmerno professionalno-tehnicheskim I svyazannym s rabotoj. V nem takzhe preduprezhdaetsya, chto obrazovanie kolledzha bolshe ne mozhet razvivat v studentah razdelennye cennosti I znaniya, chto tradicionno svyazyvayut Amerikancev vmeste. Sereznoe obvinenie. Dejstvitelno li 'eto tak? V nekotoroj stepeni na dannyj second 'eto vozmozhno. Konechno, nekotorye studenty zakanchivayut svoe obuchenie bez kursa po Zapadnoj Civilizacii, ne upominaya drugie mirovye kultury. Drugie ostavlyayut kolledzh, ne izuchiv nauku ili pravitelstvo. V otvet, mnogie kolledzhi nachali peresmatrivat osnovnoj uchebnyj plan, s kotorym vse studenty dolzhny spravlyatsya. 'Eti problemy priznak togo, chto vysshee obrazovanie v Amerike menyaetsya, kak 'eto imelo mesto vsegda v self image istorii. I, kak v proshlom, 'eto izmenenie mozhet idti v neozhidannyh napravleniyah. Puritane osnovyvali kolledzhi, chtoby obuchat ministrov. No ih studenty proyavili sebya kak osnovopolozhniki pervoj v soil konstitucionnoj demokratii. Kolledzhi predostavleniya zemli byli osnovany, chtoby prepodavat selskoe hozyajstvo I proektirovanie stroitelyam Amerikanskogo Zapada. Segodnya, mnogie iz 'etih kolledzhej yavlyayutsya veduschimi shkolami v nauchno-issledovatelskom soil. Amerikancy vsegda delali stavku na sozdanie sistemnoj raboty. Oni imeyut osobo veskie prichiny dlya vypolneniya 'etogo v oblasti obrazovaniya. Lyudi v Soedinennyh SHtatah segodnya stalkivayutsya s vazhnymi voprosami: CHto yavlyaetsya nadlezhaschej rolyu Ameriki kak strany s samoj staroj v soil konstitucionnoj demokratiej; s samoj bolshoj 'ekonomikoj; yavlyayuschejsya pervoj yadernoj derzhavoj? Amerikancy uvazhayut svoe pravo vyrazit mnenie po vsem 'etim problemam. No lyudi Soedinennyh SHtatov takzhe gluboko osoznayut, chto takie problemy dolzhny rassmatrivatsya v komplekse. CHtoby prinimat uchastie v novyh voznikayuschih problemah, bolshinstvo amerikancev chuvstvuet, chto oni nuzhdayutsya vo vsej informacii, kotoruyu oni mogut poluchit. Kolledzhi I universitety naibolee vazhnye centry takogo izucheniya. I nezavisimo ot togo, chto mogut trebovatsya usovershenstvovaniya, ih buduschee polnostyu garantiruetsya amerikanskoj zhazhdoj progressa I horoshej informirovannosti. Fakticheski, sleduyuschej zadachej amerikanskogo obrazovaniya mozhet detail tendenciya dlya lyudej prodolzhit ih obrazovanie v kolledzhe dlya dalnejshej zhizni. Slovar. An Accept Prinimat Achieves Dostigat Accomplishment Vypolnenie Account Schet Adequate Adekvatnyj Admission Dopusk Admitted Dopuschennyj Advantage Preimuschestvo Agriculture Selskoe hozyajstvo. Sum Kolichestvo Applicant Pretendent Application Zayavlenie Association of American Colleges(AAC) Associaciya Amerikanskih Kolledzhej Available Dostupnyj Aware Znaya B Bachelors certificate Stepen Bakalavra Be either Byt takzhe Beyond Vne Bond Obyazatelstvo C Certainly Konechno Community Soobschestvo Competition Sorevnovanie Competence Kompetentnost Complete Polnyj Comprise Vklyuchit Condition Uslovie(sostoyanie) Contain Soderzhat Conversely Naoborot Costly Dorogostoyaschij Criticized Kritikuemyj Currently V nastoyaschee vremya Curriculum Uchebnyj plan D. Request Trebovanie Democracy Demokratiya Desirable ZHelatelnyj Determining Opredelenie Distinction Razlichie Duration Prodolzhitelnost E Elective Izbiratelnyj Emphasis Akcent Employment Zanyatost Equal renown Ravnyj prestizh Excessively professional and business related CHrezmerno professionalno-tehnicheskij I svyazannyj s rabotoj Exist Suschestvovat G Graduate Diplomirovannyj expert Government Pravitelstvo H Higher instruction Vysshee obrazovanie I Impression Vpechatlenie Independent Nezavisimyj Interviews Intervyu Issued Vypuschennyj L Lead Liderstvo. Larger part Bolshinstvo Masters qualification Stepen mastera Measure Mera Mention Upominanie Merely Prosto Might Mog by N National Institute of Education(NIE) Nacionalnyj Institut Obrazovaniya Nuclear force YAdernaya derzhava O Offer Predlozhenie Obtain Poluchit Opinions Mneniya Opportunities Vozmozhnosti Outstanding Vydayuschijsya P Painfully Gluboko Particular Specificheskij(osobennyj) Percent Procent Perhaps Vozmozhno Proper Nadlezhaschij Provide Obespechit Public Gosudarstvennyj(obschestvennyj) Puritans Puritane Private CHastnyj R Receive Poluchit. As of late Nedavno Recognized Priznannyj Recommendations Rekomendacii Regard Otnoshenie Reinforce Ukrepit Respect Uvazhenie S Satisfactory Udovletvoritelnyj Satisfied Udovletvorennyj Seek Iskat Similar Podobnyj Simply Prosto Scholars Uchenye Scientific research Nauchnoe issledovanie Social portability Socialnaya mobilnost Success Uspeh T Traditional tie Tradicionno svyazyvayut The mutual qualities and information Razdelennye cennosti I znanie Q Quality of research offices Kachestvo sredstv obsluzhivaniya issledovaniya W Whether Li Widespread SHiroko rasprostranennyj.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Film review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Film survey - Essay Example Unique treatment tantamount with the best helpful disposition was seen from the activities of Stephanie LaFarge and Laura Ann Petitio towards Nim. Once even Stephanie LaFarge chose to breastfeed Nim as she did to her other human youngsters. To my brain, this progression proves that Nim was conveyed the most good treatment than one can envision. Stephanie had been brought Nim up for around year and a half. As standard human youngsters, Nim additionally was wearing nappies, turned out to be here and there defenseless and should have been taken care of. In any case, he was treated as a human infant. The creator finds fascinating the experience utilized by one of Nim’s educator †Joyce Butter. In the event that Nim got rowdy, Joyce bitted his ear. What's more, this sort of treatment helped individuals associated with Nim to be fruitful with him. Upon this conduct, Nim knew his place and comprehended that this individual was all the more remarkable that he was. Simultaneously, Nim regarded individuals who bitted him. Also, in the event that one let the shortcoming to be appeared, Nim saw it and at his most punctual comfort abused that. In spite of the great treatment towards Nim depicted above, I might want to take note of certain circumstances that stuns me a ton during the entire narrative. Nim likes to smoke pot and drink lager. I benevolently comprehend that investigation furnishes that subject ought to be instructed with most of aptitudes; anyway drinking lager isn't valuable one. At the same time, to show Nim with gesture based communication, Dr. Patio sorted out meetings during which graduate understudies instructed Nim signs in an austere room at Columbia University. From author’s perspective, this conduct ought not happen at any case. Nim, as a living animal, will has directly for the best possible mentality and obligations towards him in type of duty. The creator declares that individuals associated with the trial were capable before Nim on what the primate got and what he

Saturday, July 25, 2020

How to Read When the World Is Terrible

How to Read When the World Is Terrible While we at the Riot take some time off to rest and catch up on our  reading, were re-running some of our  favorite posts from the last several months. Enjoy our highlight reel, and well be back with new stuff on Tuesday, January 3rd. This post originally ran July 13, 2016. When awful things are happening all over the news and your Facebook feed, sometimes books are exactly what you need. But how do you choose what to read when youre feeling fragile or angry or depressed or confused? There are lots of ways to use reading to help you conquer or confront your difficult feelings, and theres no one right way. Here are some suggestions of what to read and how it can help you. Escape If you want your reading to take you away from it all, consider a few things. Romance is a good genre to turn to in times of turmoil because happily-ever-after endings are required in the genre, so you know that everything will turn out okay. If you need a read to comfort and calm and remind you of what love can do in the world, Romance is a good bet. Suggestions: Our First Times: The Books That Made Us Romance Readers. Sometimes you may just want to forget the world exists all together. In that case, go seriously speculative with Science-Fiction or Fantasy. While some books in these genres can be very similar to real life or confront difficult moral issues, others are all about world building and imagination and thats where you should go when you need a break from the world you actually live in. Suggestions: 9 Diverse Fantasy Books That Will Challenge Your Idea of Fantasy Fiction, 7 Standalone Novels for Science-Fiction Lovers. Maybe try a laugh? The comedian memoir/essay genre serves pretty much just one purpose: to make you smile. Also effective: gossipy memoirs by movie stars with juicy tidbits about other movie stars. Suggestions:  Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?,  Ladies Whod Make a Sailor Blush. Light Happy When the world is tough you may not need to escape it as much as you need a softer and warmer version of it. Go find your favorite book from when you were 12 years old. Go find your favorite comfort read that you know backwards and forwards. It can help you restore order to chaos and feel centered. Suggestions:  From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, everything  Harry Potter. Its also a good time for something fluffy, the book equivalent of a hug. If youre religious, inspirational novels can hit the spot. Books that are described as charming, the ones you give your grandmother, the ones set in quaint English villages or quirky small towns. Examples:  The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society,  The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry,  Reading Pathways: Georgette Heyer. If you just want someone to tell you that its going to be okay, there are definitely books that can do that for you. One of our favorites is  Tiny Beautiful Things. Feel Some Feelings If youre feeling numb and need some catharsis, try a weepy. Sad books can be light or dark, sweet or difficult. Theres a broad range between  The Notebook and  A Little Life, so think about the tone, subject, and style that will work best for your mood. Suggestions:  The Books That Made Us Ugly-Sob. Stare Into the Darkness If going for something different or happy just feels wrong, its okay to let yourself read something difficult and sad. If the tragedy around you still hurts too much, you can read something that fits the tone but changes the subject. There are a lot of books that dive into the difficulties of war, racism, and violence in different ways. Or maybe a deep dive right into the issues that hurt so much will help you feel informed and empowered. Fiction and nonfiction can both work. Suggestions: 48 Excellent World War II Novels;  5 Good Books About Race in America; Guns, Politics, and Fear: A Reading List;  Black Speculative Fiction is Protest Work. Keep Your Brain Busy Maybe your mind just cant drop something and you need to keep it occupied. Time to learn. Get yourself some nonfiction stuffed full of interesting facts. If theres a big fat book youve always meant to read but havent quite gotten to yet, now is the time. Suggestions:  The Emperor of All Maladies,  Guns, Germs, and Steel,  The Making of the Atomic Bomb. Do Something Different Having trouble getting into your normal reading? Change it up. Now is an excellent time for comics and graphic novels. Or maybe try audiobooks? Are you normally a prose reader? Try poetry! If youre normally a fiction reader, try nonfiction. Break out of your usual habits    Suggestions: The Comics That Turned Us Into Comics Readers, The Books That Made Us Audiobook Listeners, Poetry Books for People Who Are Afraid of Poetry, Nonfiction for Thriller Lovers. No matter what approach you choose, remember theres no one right way to read when everything is terrible. Whats right is what works for you. The best thing you can do is remember that reading helps you care for yourself and find what you need in the world when everything feels out of control. What are your reading strategies during difficult times? How to Read When the World Is Terrible When awful things are happening all over the news and your Facebook feed, sometimes books are exactly what you need. But how do you choose what to read when youre feeling fragile or angry or depressed or confused? There are lots of ways to use reading to help you conquer or confront your difficult feelings, and theres no one right way. Here are some suggestions of what to read and how it can help you. Escape If you want your reading to take you away from it all, consider a few things. Romance is a good genre to turn to in times of turmoil because happily-ever-after endings are required in the genre, so you know that everything will turn out okay. If you need a read to comfort and calm and remind you of what love can do in the world, Romance is a good bet. Suggestions: Our First Times: The Books That Made Us Romance Readers. Sometimes you may just want to forget the world exists all together. In that case, go seriously speculative with Science-Fiction or Fantasy. While some books in these genres can be very similar to real life or confront difficult moral issues, others are all about world building and imagination and thats where you should go when you need a break from the world you actually live in. Suggestions: 9 Diverse Fantasy Books That Will Challenge Your Idea of Fantasy Fiction, 7 Standalone Novels for Science-Fiction Lovers. Maybe try a laugh? The comedian memoir/essay genre serves pretty much just one purpose: to make you smile. Also effective: gossipy memoirs by movie stars with juicy tidbits about other movie stars. Suggestions:  Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?,  Ladies Whod Make a Sailor Blush. Light Happy When the world is tough you may not need to escape it as much as you need a softer and warmer version of it. Go find your favorite book from when you were 12 years old. Go find your favorite comfort read that you know backwards and forwards. It can help you restore order to chaos and feel centered. Suggestions:  From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, everything  Harry Potter. Its also a good time for something fluffy, the book equivalent of a hug. If youre religious, inspirational novels can hit the spot. Books that are described as charming, the ones you give your grandmother, the ones set in quaint English villages or quirky small towns. Examples:  The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society,  The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry,  Reading Pathways: Georgette Heyer. If you just want someone to tell you that its going to be okay, there are definitely books that can do that for you. One of our favorites is  Tiny Beautiful Things. Feel Some Feelings If youre feeling numb and need some catharsis, try a weepy. Sad books can be light or dark, sweet or difficult. Theres a broad range between  The Notebook and  A Little Life, so think about the tone, subject, and style that will work best for your mood. Suggestions:  The Books That Made Us Ugly-Sob. Stare Into the Darkness If going for something different or happy just feels wrong, its okay to let yourself read something difficult and sad. If the tragedy around you still hurts too much, you can read something that fits the tone but changes the subject. There are a lot of books that dive into the difficulties of war, racism, and violence in different ways. Or maybe a deep dive right into the issues that hurt so much will help you feel informed and empowered. Fiction and nonfiction can both work. Suggestions: 48 Excellent World War II Novels;  5 Good Books About Race in America; Guns, Politics, and Fear: A Reading List;  Black Speculative Fiction is Protest Work. Keep Your Brain Busy Maybe your mind just cant drop something and you need to keep it occupied. Time to learn. Get yourself some nonfiction stuffed full of interesting facts. If theres a big fat book youve always meant to read but havent quite gotten to yet, now is the time. Suggestions:  The Emperor of All Maladies,  Guns, Germs, and Steel,  The Making of the Atomic Bomb. Do Something Different Having trouble getting into your normal reading? Change it up. Now is an excellent time for comics and graphic novels. Or maybe try audiobooks? Are you normally a prose reader? Try poetry! If youre normally a fiction reader, try nonfiction. Break out of your usual habits    Suggestions: The Comics That Turned Us Into Comics Readers, The Books That Made Us Audiobook Listeners, Poetry Books for People Who Are Afraid of Poetry, Nonfiction for Thriller Lovers. No matter what approach you choose, remember theres no one right way to read when everything is terrible. Whats right is what works for you. The best thing you can do is remember that reading helps you care for yourself and find what you need in the world when everything feels out of control. What are your reading strategies during difficult times?

Friday, May 8, 2020

On Epistemology and Skepticism Essay - 1687 Words

Epistemology is purposed with discovering and studying what knowledge is and how we can classify what we know, how we know it, and provide some type of framework for how we arrived at this conclusion. In the journey to identify what knowledge is the certainty principle was one of the first concepts that I learned that explained how we, as humans, consider ourselves to know something. The certainty concept suggests that knowledge requires evidence that is sufficient to rule out the possibility of error. This concept is exemplified in cases like The Gettier problem in the instance that we suppose (S) someone to know (P) a particular proposition. As Gettier established the Justified True Belief as a conceptual formula for knowledge, certainty†¦show more content†¦Skepticism in general says that we do not know many propositions about the external world that we naturally take ourselves to know. Descartes affirms skepticism by analyzing beliefs as knowledge. Meditations seeks to f ind a solution to the notion of if one doubts a belief, can it be considered knowledge? Descartes first submits that it is not necessary to show all beliefs are false to satisfy the knowledge condition. He adds that if in each belief there is doubt that we can conclude that all things that we believe can be considered false knowledge. He seeks to prove this by setting a precondition that we cannot critique all beliefs, just the ones that govern our life or that serve as a broad component of belief. Descartes then provides context to where beliefs come from and states that beliefs are created from senses or through senses. He then states that senses are false because they are deceptive and shouldn’t be trusted which is the first cause of being able to doubt a belief. This idea in my opinion is the argument of Reality vs. Virtually, which is what we encounter through our experiences vs. what we dream about. The question posed is that we doubt our beliefs because we do not know if what we perceive from our senses is true. The example provided in the Meditations text dealt with imagination and the Dream world concept. If I perceive something in theShow MoreRelatedEpistemology Paper1080 Words   |  5 PagesEpistemology Schools Paper Arika Boyd PHL/215 Dixie Hoyt 09/15/09 Epistemology or theory of knowledge is a branch of philosophy related to the scope and nature of knowledge. The subject focuses on examining the nature of knowledge, and how it relates to beliefs, justification, and truth. Epistemology contract with the means of production of knowledge, as well as skepticism about different knowledge claims. The question is what does people Know? The core of this questions andRead MorePhi 208 Final Paper1104 Words   |  5 PagesEthics and Moral Reasoning (GTP1306D) Michele  Clearman-Warner 03/12/13 Epistemology or theory of knowledge is a branch of philosophy related to the scope and nature of knowledge. The subject focuses on examining the nature of knowledge, and how it relates to beliefs, justification, and truth. Epistemology contract with the means of production of knowledge, as well as skepticism about different knowledge claims. â€Å"Epistemology is the philosophical investigation into this question: What can we knowRead MoreMore on the Problem of the External World887 Words   |  4 Pageswe already know something, namely that if we don’t know then we know that we don’t know. In Hank Hanegraaff’s words, â€Å"Even those who deny reality look both ways before they cross the street. lt;;. There is a lot yet to be known but we already know that, and all we knew before knowing something we did not. Maybe there is not a problem of the external world in the first place, and consideri ng that we don’t know about it as a possibilityRead MoreGothic Epistemology746 Words   |  3 Pages requiring characters to excavate obscure source material such as letters, books, portraits, wills, and the like in order to discover what the Gothic construes as historical truth. In so doing, the Gothic novel proffers a historically oriented epistemology of reading, founded upon the affective possibilities of history writing, which challenges the considerations of truth and accuracy that inform traditional historiography. By investigating the emotional resonances of historical narratives, theRead MoreEpistemology : Empiricism And Rationalism Essay1505 Words   |  7 Pagesbranch of philosophy has become committed to focusing on this topic alone. Epistemology is the study of questions regarding knowledge, how we can prove knowledge, and whether or not as humans we have any limit to the amount of knowledge we can obtain. Skepticism is defined by Webster’s Dictionary as â€Å"the doctrine that true knowledge or knowledge in a particular area is uncertain;† therefore, it falls under the study of epistemology. In my personal opinion, the idea of being skeptic or unsure of a worldRead MorePhilosophers and Epistemological Skepticism1245 Words   |  5 PagesAbstract People wonder how they, and others, know what they know. There is a skepticism about accepting that there are inherent pieces of knowledge that people simply possess, that there is no such thing as true knowledge because it is so personal, that there is no way to prove what is truly right or wrong. This paper considers the views of Chuang Tzu and Roderick Chisholm, how their ideas should be researched further in order for leaders to address sharing knowledge with their followers. ScholarsRead MoreThe Philosophy Of Pessimism And Skepticism1328 Words   |  6 Pagesthink we know, also known as skepticism. In this paper I will argue that skepticism is the best way to know things for certain because it acknowledges the presence of cognitive dissonance, self-justification and the things we can learn by questioning. I will proceed as follows: I will outline the concepts of skepticism, according to Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson, and the concepts of rationalism, according to Renà © D escartes. Then, I will compare rationalism and skepticism by explaining how challengingRead MoreUnderstanding The World Through The Study Of Knowledge1862 Words   |  8 Pagesthoroughly known as Epistemology, is the realm of philosophy that studies the sources, nature, limitations, and rationality of knowledge. The most incisive expression of disapproval of naturalistic approaches to epistemology is that they are incapable of effectively dealing with standards and inquiries of justification. Epistemology without such norms, is supposed to be an endeavor not worth achieving. (Stroud,Alemder). What one induces of this is depends on whether epistemology is worth doing at allRead More Skepticism Essays1139 Words   |  5 PagesSkepticism Skepticism is the Western philosophical tradition that maintains that human beings can never arrive at any kind of certain knowledge. Originating in Greece in the middle of the fourth century BC, skepticism and its derivatives are based on the following principles: There is no such thing as certainty in human knowledge. All human knowledge is only probably true, that is, true most of the time, or not true. Several non-Western cultures have skeptical traditions, particularlyRead MoreGlobal Epistemological Skepticism Essay1132 Words   |  5 Pages Epistemological skepticism is the idea that individuals lack knowledge or justification for a specific group of propositions (Barnett, 2014). Skepticism with respect to all propositions is known as global skepticism, and it reveals that knowledge is nonexistent (2014). The regress problem is a difficulty in epistemology, where an idea has to be justified, because the justification itself has to have further reasoning (2014). The infinite regress argument concludes that individuals lack justification

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Consequences of Mediation of Action Free Essays

Eden Ettienne Abstract #5 It issaid that community leads to meditation and as a result one looses part of his active self. A man named Robinson Crusoe was involved in a shipwreck, and for 25 years was stranded on an island, alone. He had to learn to adapt to this island and fend for himself. We will write a custom essay sample on Consequences of Mediation of Action or any similar topic only for you Order Now Although impoverished, his story was quite immaculate and extraordinary. His being on the island for so long allowed him to grow a full and intimate relationship with himself and his existence. The truth we as humans are relationalbeings and when alone for so many years, one is deprived of humanity and companionship. Marxists believe that whichever social class one is tied to is the same way he/she will earn a living. Class can have a negative or positive effect on a person. The mediation of action is something no one can undergo, and there are three consequences when involved in such. One is other people become instruments of our will when we execute our actions. Second, consequence is something that affects all of us when dealing with action. And third, meditated actions are the metaphysical distance that is introduced between human beings and their actions. Our social rehearsals for sheltering responsibility should lessenthe increasing gap between acts that are ours and those we appropriate. Meditation cannotbe rid of between ourselves. But however we can try and thwart out some of its negative effects. Loss is a result that affects both the world and us. If we fail in allowing meditation within ourselves, we have failed the community around us, and will lead to the impossibility of individual fulfillment and public kinship. How to cite Consequences of Mediation of Action, Papers

Monday, April 27, 2020

Top 15 Universities for Engineering Majors by Salary Potential

Dont let the increase of computer science and developers interest make you forget about potentially majoring in engineer!There are still other major types of engineering you can study: mechanical, civil, chemical, and electrical! PayScale, an online compensation information company, published their findings earlier this year and here’s a list of the top 15 university for engineering majors* by potential salary: *Note, this list do not include the salaries of individuals who pursued another degree after their undergraduate degree in engineering. 1. Stanford University 0-5 years experience: $74,200 10+ experience: $153,00 Aside from Stanford University’s CS program, they also offer majors in: - Aeronautics and Astronautics - Bioengineering - Chemical Engineering - Civil and Environmental Engineering - Electrical Engineering - Management Science and Engineering - Materials Science and Engineering - Mechanical Engineering With one of the best Engineering programs in the country, it’s no surprise that Stanford ranks on this list. The School of Engineering has the resources and facilities to give students a foundation and applicable knowledge for their careers in engineering. 2. Princeton University 0-5 years experience: $73,200 10+ experience: $144,000 No less than Stanford’s School of Engineering, Princeton’s School of Engineering and Applied Science also offer strong engineering undergraduate programs with a focus on high-impact research. There are 6 departments, specifically Chemical Biological Engineering, Civil Environmental Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Aerospace Engineering, and Operations Research Financial Engineering. 3. (tie) Duke University 0-5 years experience: $75,100 10+ experience: $143,000 Duke isn’t just a sports school. Duke’s Pratt School of Engineering is in the top 20 for undergraduate engineering programs. Duke’s programs stands out because they offer certificates in architectural engineering, aerospace engineering, innovation and entrepreneurship, etc. They are available to students who may have additional interests. 3. (tie) SUNY - Maritime College 0-5 years experience: $65,000 10+ experience: $143,000 SUNY Maritime College is third on this list because of a 120% increase in earning potential in 5 years. Students at SUNY Maritime College can choose one of the 5 B.E. degree programs they offer. Marine engineering and naval architecture are more unique to the college. The former focuses on the design and design of marine and industrial power plants, while the latter focuses on ship design.See what students interested in engineering did in high school. Unlock to see full application! 5. Columbia University0-5 years experience: $74,000 10+ experience: $142,000Because of Columbia University’s core curriculum, engineering students are able to develop technical skills through their studies in the Engineering School, but also have a well rounded knowledge in the humanities. The undergraduate also offers co-curricular programs students can participate in, like competing in the Columbia Venture Competition and the Engineering Fast Pitch Competition. 6. University of Virginia 0-5 years experience: $67,500 10+ experience: $140,000University of Virginia is ranked number 32 with the best undergraduate engineering program in the US. While the entry-level pay may not be as highly ranked as other universities on this list, it quickly doubles in 5 years. UVA offers 9 different degree programs. 7. United States Naval Academy 0-5 years experience: $82,700 10+ experience: $139,000Surprised to see the United States Naval Academy on this list? The Naval Academy has a strong engineering program called the Division of Engineering and Weapons. Because it is a Naval Academy, the studies address the technical needs more so than other universities. They offer 5 degree programs: - Aerospace Engineering - Electrical and Computer Engineering - Mechanical Engineering - Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering- Weapons and Systems Engineering. 8. Boston University 0-5 years experience: $65,400 10+ experience: $138,000Located in the middle of the best college town, Boston University gives aspiring engineering students a lot of opportunity to explore and grow. They offer 5 degree programs and have the resources to help students develop and prototype their ideas in the Engineering Product Innovation Center and the Singh Imagineering Lab. 9. University of California - Santa Barbara 0-5 years experience: $70,800 10+ experience: $137,000Again, don’t dismiss UC Santa Barbara just because they’re known to be a party school. If you want to study Engineering and enjoy the beach, you can! UCSB has 4 different undergraduate engineering degree programs and 2 additional ones for the graduate degree programs, from which you can earn certificates from. 10. University of California - Berkeley 0-5 years experience: $77,800 10+ experience: $135,000 Being in the Bay Area, UC Berkeley is a great location for students who are interested in computer science and engineering. It has one of the largest Engineering departments on this list, including Nuclear Engineering which is not often offered. 11. Bucknell University 0-5 years experience: $63,900 10+ experience: $132,000Located in Pennsylvania, Bucknell University also has a large Engineering department so students can study any of the major types of engineering. They also offer two 5-year dual degree programs, specifically Engineering and Management, as well as Liberal Arts and Engineering.Unlock this package to see how others wrote about their interest in engineering! 12. (tie) Manhattan College 0-5 years experience: $63,600 10+ experience: $131,000The Manhattan College offers the 4 traditional types of engineering: Chemical, Civil Environment, Electrical Computer and Mechanical. If you’re excited about research as well, make sure you look into the research opportunities they offer. 12. (tie) University of California - San Diego 0-5 years experience: $68,000 10+ experience: $131,000UC San Diego is the third UC school on this list. UC San Diego has 6 undergraduate degree programs. Apart from the traditional degrees, they also have Nano Engineering and Structural Engineering. Like many other universities, they also offer an integrated B.S./M.S. degrees. 14. (tie) Carnegie Mellon University 0-5 years experience: $71,400 10+ experience: $130,000Carnegie Mellon’s College of Engineering offers 4 different engineering departments. If you’re up-to-date with recent technological developments, you’ll know that there are many companies and startups developing new technology by CMU’s campus in Pittsburgh. Explore the internship opportunities that may be available to you through your 4 years. 14. (tie) Cooper Union for The Advancement of Science and Art 0-5 years experience: $69,500 10+ experience: $130,000Cooper Union’s Albert Nerken School of Engineering has 5 undergraduate degree programs: general, civil, chemical, electrical and mechanical. Not sure if you’re interested? They offer a Summer STEM Program for high school sophomore and juniors. It is a 6-week intensive that allows students to get design and hands-on engineering skills. 14. (tie) Massachusetts Institute of Technology 0-5 years experience: $77,500 10+ experience: $130,000It’s no surprise that MIT’s on this list. They have a large undergraduate engineering program with a lot of opportunity for research and idea development. Among the degree programs, they specifically offer nuclear engineering and the study of data society. These engineering programs are not often offered, so do your research if it’s a field you interested in. 14. (tie) Tufts University 0-5 years experience: $67,700 10+ experience: $130,000Tufts University has 5 engineering departments, excluding computer science. The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering offers degrees in architectural studies and environmental health. It ranks number 58 in top undergraduate engineering programs. 14. (tie) University of Hartford 0-5 years experience: $61,900 10+ experience: $130,000 Located in CT, University of Hartford has an interesting engineering program with a focus in music and acoustic. They offer a degree in Acoustical Engineering and Music, which focuses on the design of speakers, instruments, stages and more. The Mechanical Engineering program also offers interesting concentrations in acoustics, turbo-machinery, energy engineering, and manufacturing. Not sure if you want to study computer science yet? Do some research and browse our database of 60,000+successful college application filesto see what students similar to you are studying!​

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Understanding White Supremacy

Understanding White Supremacy Historically, white supremacy has been understood as the belief that white people are superior to people of color. As such, white supremacy was the ideological driver of the European colonial projects and U.S. imperial projects: it was used to  rationalize unjust rule of people and lands, theft of land and resources, enslavement, and genocide. During these early periods and practices, white supremacy was backed by misguided scientific studies of physical differences on the basis of race and was also believed to take intellectual and cultural form. White Supremacy in US History The system of white supremacy was brought to the Americas by European colonists and took firm root in early U.S. society through the genocide, enslavement, and internal colonization of indigenous populations, and the enslavement of Africans and their descendants. The system of slavery in the U.S., the Black Codes that limited rights among newly freed blacks that were instituted following emancipation, and the Jim Crow laws that enforced segregation and also limited rights combined to make the U.S. a legalized white supremacist society through the late-1960s. During this period the Ku Klux Klan became a well-known symbol of white supremacy, as have other major historical actors and events, like the Nazis and the Jewish Holocaust, the apartheid regime of South Africa, and Neo-Nazi and white power groups today. As a result of the notoriety of these groups, events, and time periods, many people think of white supremacy as an overtly hateful and violent attitude toward people of color, which is considered a problem mostly buried in the past. But as the recent racist murder of nine Black people at Emanuel AME church has made clear, the hateful and violent breed of white supremacy is still very much a part of our present. Yet, it is important to recognize that white supremacy today is a multifaceted system that manifests in myriad ways, many not overtly hateful nor violent- in fact often quite subtle and unseen. This is the case today because U.S. society was founded, organized, and developed in a white supremacist context. White supremacy and the many forms of racism it employs is infused into our social structure, our institutions, our worldviews, beliefs, knowledge, and ways of interacting with each other. Its even encoded into some of our holidays, like Columbus Day, which celebrates a racist perpetrator of genocide. Structural Racism and White Supremacy The white supremacy of our society is evident in the fact that whites maintain a structural advantage over people of color in nearly every aspect of life. White people maintain an educational advantage, an income advantage, a wealth advantage, and a political advantage. White supremacy is also evident in the way communities of color are systematically over-policed (in terms of unjust harassment and unlawful arrest and brutalization), and under-policed (in terms of police failing to serve and protect); and in the way that experiencing racism takes a societal-wide negative toll on the life expectancy of Black people. These trends and the white supremacy they express are fueled by the false belief that society is fair and just, that success is the result of hard work alone, and an overall denial of the many privileges that whites in the U.S. have relative to others. Further, these structural trends are fostered by the white supremacy that lives within us, though we may be wholly unaware that it is there. Both conscious and subconscious white supremacist beliefs are visible in social patterns that show, for instance, that university professors give more attention to potential students who are white; that many people regardless of race believe that lighter skinned Black people are smarter than those with dark skin; and that teachers punish Black students more harshly for the same or even lesser offenses committed by white students. So while white supremacy might look and sound different than it has in centuries past, and may be experienced differently by people of color, it is very much a twenty-first-century phenomenon that must be addressed through critical self-reflection, the rejection of white privilege, and anti-racist activism. Further Reading For detailed and riveting historical accounts of how white supremacy was wielded in pursuit of economic, political, cultural, and social domination by Europeans from the 1500s on, see  The World is a Ghetto  by sociologist Howard Winant, and  Orientalism  by postcolonial theorist  Edward Said.For information on how white supremacy historically affected indigenous populations, Mexicans and Mexican Americans, as well as immigrants from Asia, see sociologist Toms Almaguers book  Racial Fault Lines:  The Historical Origins of White Supremacy in California.Sociologist Eduardo Bonilla-Silva investigates this phenomenon at length in his book  White Supremacy and Racism in the Post-Civil Rights Era